Things We’ve Learned: Eighth Edition

Temperatures are up across our distributed KD offices, and so's our knowledge! Scroll on for new tips and tricks we've found useful in the latest TIL round-up from the KD team.

In Development

From Chris:

From Stefan: A router outside of Rails: RowdyI find it very interesting as I don't like Roda too much, the Sinatra router is also not the greatest and this looks refreshing haha. I think it'd need some polish for me to use it on a small project, but it's pretty cool.

From Steve: Self-destructing StimulusJS controllers

From Stefan: I think I've never read this part of the documentation, but boy oh boy; shallow nesting in Rails. I'm going to use this a lot ha!

From Chris: I always forget about the sandbox.

Also, do you know about .irbrc?

From Stefan: Shopify Functions now support JavaScript instead of only Rust  🎉

From Chris: [An evergreen suggestion:] make contributions to Rails guides/docs 

By Design

From Lauren: